Monday, May 18, 2015

One thing we all have in common

One thing we all have in common is that each and every one of us has a mother. Some of us are blessed to have good, godly mothers. Some of us are not. Some of us have fond memories of our mothers. Some of us do not. Some of us still have our mothers with us. Some of us do not. Some of our mothers were known as Mother, some as Mom, and some as Ma. While there are some differences, the great commonality is that we all have mothers.

There is a tendency in our sinful hearts to be critical of others, even of our own mothers. Motherhood is one of the most difficult “jobs” that exists. No perfect mother has ever walked this earth. So rather than stirring up and stewing in any potential criticism, even if deserved, let’s ponder some of the realities of motherhood, both tangible and intangible, which we can all agree are the hallmarks of a godly Mom.

Blessed Is the Mother…
…Who can hold onto her children
while letting them go;
…Who puts a tranquil home
ahead of an immaculate house;
…Who knows a kind act will be remembered
longer than an easy word;
…Who really believes in prayer;
…Whose Bible never needs dusting.

A Mother’s Love
A Mother’s love follows you
Your whole life through;
A Mother’s care follows you
In all that you do;
A Mother’s honesty follows you
To always remain true;
A Mother’s kindness follows you
To love all, not just a few;
A Mother’s prayer follows you
Your whole life through.
~ Emily Koelling ~

God’s Gift to Me
There’s only one heart like Mother’s,
And that is the heart of God—
Forgiving, forgetting, and loving
The child who the wrong has done.
No eyes like the eyes of Mother
Can see in me all that is best;
Remembering all of my goodness,
Forgetting all of the rest.
No feet like the feet of Mother
That hasten to be at my side,
To comfort my hour of suffering,
To share in the joys that betide.
No hand like the hand of Mother,
So gentle to soothe and so kind;
When God gave to me a Mother,
‘Twas the choicest gift He could find.

Mother’s Beauty
My Mother’s hands are worn with care;
Her life and service mirrored there –
The well-aged sheen of work unceasing,
Her care for others spent in pleasing.
She’s not possessed of classic beauty,
Rather a face deep-worn by duty;
But outer beauty fades and dies,
And my Mother’s beauty inward lies.
As antique brass that warms with age
Makes new-made brass look déclassé,
So Mother’s time-proved goodness shows
That only inner beauty glows.
Let pretty women try their best;
Looks alone can’t meet the test
Of inner beauty from the heart
That Mother’s shining days impart.

Think about it!

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