All of our church “advertising” literature, in
print and online, use this description:
Prairie Flower Bible Church operates as an independent, self-governing, local church fellowship in submission to the Word of God and according to our Constitution...October, 1942, saw the beginnings of what would become Prairie Flower Community Church, which would eventually become what we know today as Prairie Flower Bible Church (you can read a basic history of PFBC on the bulletin board in the North Building foyer, on our website or Facebook page, and more information along with lots of pictures is provided in a notebook in our Library).
Why was PFBC founded as an “independent
Bible church,” and why is she still that way? Perhaps, the information found
elsewhere in our “advertising” literature can shed a little light on the answer
to that question:
A true Bible church is identified with the historical conservative, fundamentalist movement within Christianity. We align ourselves with high standards of morality and ethics that are taken from the Bible. We consistently teach the Word of God to a world in need—the Word of God, which is sufficient with all anyone needs to live life in a godly manner.
A true Bible church is Biblically balanced. We firmly adhere to and earnestly defend the fundamentals of the faith while addressing contemporary issues. We wish to honor God by living according to the Bible. We utilize the strengths of sound Biblical doctrine to lead to valid experiences in life.
A true Bible church is independent and self-supporting. Following Biblical examples and teaching, the congregation is encouraged to give voluntarily, systematically, and proportionally to support both the local ministry and worldwide missions. We have no denominational structure to bring outside interference or control, but we do enjoy fellowship with other Bible churches like ours through the IFCA International organization.
The IFCA International organization exists
solely as a source of aid and fellowship for like-minded churches; it holds no
authoritative control over any church
or organization. The majority of, though not all, church denominations have
forsaken “the faith once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). The IFCA was started in the 1930s by godly men that came
out of many of these denominations because of the compromise becoming so
rampant. In 1962, PFCC joined the IFCA and became known as PFBC.
Our purpose has always been to remain independent of denominational control and to remain as biblical as
humanly possible in the way we operate our church. The “pastoral epistles” of
the New Testament (1
Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus) are very
explicit regarding how a local church fellowship is to operate:
…I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God, which is the Church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. (! Tim. 3:15)We are convinced that in order for PFBC to remain fully obedient to these Scriptures, we must remain independent of denominational control; otherwise, a denominational hierarchy is the overseer of the church rather than the Elders and Pastor.
This is not to say that we are the only “good” church in the area.
Praise God! There are some others who
hold to sound doctrine and proclaim the genuine Gospel of the Lord Jesus
Christ. We must never succumb to what
I like to call the “Elijah syndrome,” that we are the only good church (1 Kings 19:10). Having said that, however, the number of churches who do
proclaim God’s truth is dwindling at a shocking rate.
Our goal at PFBC is simply to remain obedient and faithful to the Word
of God to the very best of our ability. Since our founding, we have agreed that
the best way to do that is to remain independent
and yet to enjoy the fellowship of other like-minded churches.
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